I can't believe that two weeks of school have already gone right past us. Elm Park School doesn't use boring old house points anymore. Instead they use tokens. At the end of the term the house with the most tokens gets a fun day on the last day of the term. Elm Park School created a chart called a tick chart. If you want to earn a tick your teacher must see you using either respect,responsibility or resilience. If you were to get ten ticks then you would get a reward. Depending on how many ticks you have determines how good the reward would be (you earn a reward for each group of ten ticks you have gathered). My highlight of these last two weeks was the house captain speeches. The reason the speeches were my favorite was how brave the house captain candidates were. Every candidate gave courage to people who didn't even write a speech it was enough courage to make a few more people from each house step up and try out for house captain. That was what my highlight of the week was.